Columbia Cascades Chapter learns Ninety-Nines history
March 15, 2020
Members of the Columbia Cascades Chapter had a lovely visit from Debra Plymate at their February 15th meeting. Debra is a local expert on Amelia Earhart and shared insights and stories from Earhart's life. With a emphasis on local Portland Ninety-Nines history, we learned about Amelia's visit to Portland in 1933. Edith Folz, the first Oregon female transport pilot, along with other 99s, hosted Amelia for a group breakfast at the Benson Hotel. Debra shared how years later she and other Portland area 99s met for breakfast and recreated a photo of the early aviatrixes. Debra's enthusiasm comes across as she sports a replica of a flight suit that Amelia designed. Debra, a member of the Oregon Pines 99s, has been a pilot since 1974. She grew up in an aviation family and is now retired from her career in aviation safety as a Federal Aviation Administration oceanic controller in the Pacific Ocean area.